The key of adjusting economic structural unbalance rests with the transition of economic growth pattern which can achieve coordinated proportion of saving, consuming and investing in national economy. 解决经济结构性失衡的关键在于转变经济增长方式,实现国民经济中储蓄、消费、投资等比例关系的协调。
Therefore, adjusting and reforming the tax system and strengthening the ability of competition is the principal work to promote health development of our financial scene, which can flourish the financial market and play a key role to ensure a sustainable development of national economy. 因此,调整和改革现行金融业税收制度,增强金融业竞争力是推进我国金融业健康发展的首要任务,它将对繁荣我国金融市场,从而确保国民经济持续发展具有十分重要的作用。
Since Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchange of 1990 established, domestic stock market has been played an important role in raising capital, adjusting economic structure, optimizing resources collocating and promoting the national economy, etc. 自1990年上海、深圳证券交易所成立以来,国内证券市场在筹集资金、调整经济结构、优化资源配置、促进国民经济发展等方面发挥了积极作用,成为我国经济活动中不可缺少的一部分。
A Study on Adjusting the Layout of National Economy 论调整国有经济布局
At present, developing cultural industry has become the key sector during the course of deepening reforms, constructing the system of market economy and performing the strategy of adjusting the structure of national economy of China. 当前,文化产业已经成为我国深化改革,全面建立市场经济体系,实施我国国民经济结构战略性调整的关键环节。
Recently, the real estate market has became the focal point of adjusting the macro-economy, it relating to the operative quality of the national economy and the social stability. 当前房地产市场是宏观经济调控的重中之重,事关国民经济运行质量和社会安定团结;
As social capital of adjusting mechanism to reconfigure the barometer of national economy in China stock market since 1990 dec 19, established by the Shanghai stock exchange has gone 20 years began the storm of the course. 作为社会资金重新配置的调节机构和国民经济的晴雨表,我国股票市场自1990年12月19日上海证券交易所成立开始,已走过20年的风雨历程。
According to central government arrangement, Anhui Province began adjusting the national economy based on own condition. 安徽省根据中央的部署,结合本省的具体情况开始对国民经济进行大规模的调整。
As the conversion ratio between different currencies, foreign exchange rate acts as the lever of adjusting the national economy equilibrium both at home and abroad, and it is also one of the most important financial instruments in the field of international finance and trade. 汇率作为不同货币之间兑换的比率,是调节国民经济内外均衡的杠杆,是国际金融领域和国际贸易中最重要的价值工具之一。
The price legal system have played an active role in regulating the price behavior, adjusting the economic relations and maintaining the healthy development of national economy. 价格法律制度在规范价格行为、调整经济关系、保持国民经济健康发展等方面,发挥了积极作用。
The key of general land use planning is defining or adjusting the land utilization structure and layout, so that the the limited land resource can be allocated reasonably among different departments of the national economy. 我国土地利用总体规划的重点是确定或调整土地利用结构和布局,将有限的土地资源在国民经济各部门间进行合理配置。